Rhode Island Contractor’s Registration #: GC-49213


Welcome to another blog post from your friends at 855-RILAWNS. As we write, the crews are working hard in one of the toughest heat waves we have had in several years. We’re hoping that you are keeping cool and enjoying your summer.

Our newsletter is all about seeds this month so we decided to keep with the theme and have our blog continue the trend. Come along with us as we consider the mighty seed.

Gardening is a passion for so many these days, especially now that more people are choosing to grow their own vegetables rather than buy from the market. Did you order seed online or go to the store to buy them only to find your favorite varieties sold out? Were you among the many that tried their hand at baking bread in April and are now trying to jar pickles? Flour shortage in the spring followed by a vinegar shortage in the summer. This is the new normal. 

When planting your vegetable garden, have you considered perennial (come back yearly) vegetables? The tomatoes we planted last summer at the shop have all reseeded themselves and we have a ton of delicious cherry tomatoes. Did you know that there are varieties of broccoli and spinach that are perennial vegetables? No need to buy seeds every year! Here is a blog with a list of perennial vegetables as well as perennial herbs and fruits.

There are so many seeds but our favorite is grass seed (we ARE 855-RILAWNS, after all). Grass is one of the hardiest plants out there and it all starts with the seed. Have you considered starting your lawn from seed? This blog post has all the steps you will need to follow.

Would you rather have someone do the heavy work for you? The professional crews at 855-RILAWNS have the machines and skills to make the job efficient and successful. We are running a special for the month of August of $99 off all lawn renovations. All the details of the service may be found on our website.

Have a great month and we’ll see you in September!

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