4 Steps to Apply Mulch

So you have decided to use mulch in your landscape. Good for you! you’ve made a great decision. Below are four simple steps to apply mulch. Soon your plants and flowers are going to be so happy about the way they feel, and you’re going to notice a huge difference. 4 Steps to Apply Mulch […]
Tips for Choosing Mulch

If you are looking for the right mulch, it can be hard to know what type of mulch to choose. So here are some tips for choosing mulch that you can use to help you with making a decision. Things to Consider When Choosing Mulch In the Garden – Do you mind having compost that […]
Plastic Sheeting or Weed Cloth Mulch Pros & Cons

One of the types of mulch that is inorganic is plastic sheeting or weed cloth mulch This is sometimes called weed cloth. This can be used directly on the surface of the soil by itself or below other kinds of material. It’s usually pinned down using landscaping staples. Even though these kinds of mulch don’t […]
Organic VS Inorganic Mulch – Pros & Cons

When you are choosing mulch, you are going to have to choose organic vs inorganic mulch. We are going to look at the pros and cons of each. Organic Vs Inorganic Mulch – Pros & Cons of Organic Pros Increases the quality of the soil and the levels of nutrients Improves the texture and structure […]
3 Essential Mulch Tips You Should Remember
One of the best things that you can do for your plants is to put mulch around them. But a lot of people do it incorrectly so that they actually harm the plants rather than help them. Below are some tips that you can use to make sure that you are using mulch correctly. Mulch […]