When the weather is hot and you are worried about your lawn, chances are that you give it a lot of water. But overwatering your lawn is a huge mistake as well. below are four signs you’re overwatering your lawn.
Signs You’re Overwatering Your Lawn 1 – Depressions
Are you noticing that you leave a mushy, matted, or soggy impression when you are walking around the lawn? Then you have been overwatering it. You should not be leaving footprints on your lawn when you walk on it.
Signs You’re Overwatering Your Lawn 2 – Wilting Grass
Lifeless, droopy plants usually are associated with not having enough water. However, this can also be caused by overwatering. Look for your lawn appearing faded and dull, and your grass not springing back when you press it down.
Signs You’re Overwatering Your Lawn 3 – Fungus
Algae, blight, mold, mushrooms, and patch will thrive when there is a lot of water. If you are noticing any of these in the flower garden and lawn, you are giving it too much water.
Signs You’re Overwatering Your Lawn 4 – Root Rot
This is another fungal disease and it’s a common problem when you are giving your grass and soil a lot of water. This means that you see yellowing and browning leaves and grasses, along with brown, grey, or slimy roots.
These are four signs that you are overwatering your lawn. When you have to water your lawn due to drought, look out for these signs to stop it from overwatering it. Otherwise, you could be doing more damage to your lawn than good.
We offer a variety of services that you can use to help you with keeping your lawn and your landscape looking great. If you are interested in any of our services, contact us here to get a quote and let us know what you need.