Welcome to another monthly blog! We hope this finds you well and safe. Maybe you’ve been spending more time at home these days and you have decided to do some of those projects you’ve put off for years or maybe you are just catching up on some weeding or planting. We have some tips that may help make the jobs a bit easier.

First off, have the right tools on hand for the jobs. Get some gardening gloves and a set of hand tools at your local hardware store. If you’ve ever tried trimming rose bushes with regular scissors and no gloves, you’ll know why you really need the right tools (ouch!). If you’re growing vegetables, you might want some cages for the tomatoes, something for the peas to grow up, something to deter the critters from getting into everything…
Dress for the weather. A floppy hat, sunscreen (yes, you can burn on cloudy days!), the aforementioned gloves and some bug spray if needed should always be on hand. Have plenty of water available so you don’t dehydrate and consider getting the bigger tasks done earlier in the day before it gets too hot outside.Â

Consider getting a comfortable seat for yourself. There are plenty of different ones available that are weatherproof and sturdy. The one I currently use can be used to sit on as well knelt on when flipped over. It’s great!Â
Ready to start your gardening for the day? Grab your tools and make a plan. Pulling weeds? Have a bucket handy to toss them in. Planting? Whether you’re growing from seeds or plants you might want to draw out where you are going to dig before you start. Do you have an empty bed that’s already weeded and ready to go? Consider putting down some landscape fabric before you plant to minimize weeds. Make sure to leave plenty of room for growth (have you seen how much room a single cabbage plant needs?).Â

Gardening isn’t for everyone. If you love plants but don’t want to be bothered with the maintenance, we have dedicated crews of gardeners that will come to your property and transform those weedy beds into something you can be proud of.