Have a lawn that is run-down, leaving brown patches, potholes, and sparse grass? Then, you need to renovate the lawn if you want to have lush green grass and a clean, smooth surface. You will likely need to start from scratch by removing all the debris and understanding the soil condition before investing in laying out a fresh lawn.
Testing The Soil
You start with a soil test. Analyzing the soil in its current state will help you decide the needed nutrients, soil composition, and any hidden conditions or toxins that have diminished the soil quality. The soil will be evaluated, keeping in mind the region’s natural climate and the quality of water before working up a plan to give fresh life to the soil.
Preparing The Soil
Once you know what is needed to repair any damage to the soil, aeration would be the right step in the process. Over time, soil chemistry can change as to its nutrients, acidity and pH content, and non-essential trace minerals. The soil can also become contaminated by chemicals used in pesticides and polluted water. The soil may have become compacted, with no room for the plant nutrients to reach the roots.
Fertilizing The Soil
Results of the soil test will provide the answers required to treat the soil. If the soil is merely in need of nourishment with the appropriate level of plant nutrients, it is a simple matter of adding the right fertilizer to bring it back to a fertile state. Organic fertilizers are always the best choice.
Top-dressing The Soil
Now that the soil has been aerated, it is ready for top-dressing. Small areas of the soil can be shoveled with a mixture of healthy soil and tamped down to an even surface. While this may be done only on those areas showing signs of damage, you may want to do it across the entire lawn area. Essentially, mixing healthy soil with the existing aerated one can replenish the soil.
Planting Grass Seeds
Spreading the seeds evenly comes next as the improper application of seeds can produce uneven growth of grass. Ideally, a drop spreader will drop the seeds straight down the path. It can be used easily in small spaces and still produce a lush lawn. More extensive lawns will do better with a rotary spreader as it will fan out the seeds in all directions.
While you may undertake all these steps, you would be better off by using expert lawn services as they can lay the lawn and maintain it for you through the years.