Back with another blog post! Hoping you and yours are doing well during these very strange days. We’re going to take this time to fill you in on our summer and what the fabulous crews at 855-RILAWNS have been up to for the last couple months. The mow crews continue to crush it each and […]
Welcome to another blog post from your friends at 855-RILAWNS. As we write, the crews are working hard in one of the toughest heat waves we have had in several years. We’re hoping that you are keeping cool and enjoying your summer. Our newsletter is all about seeds this month so we decided to keep […]
Welcome to another monthly blog! We hope this finds you well and safe. Maybe you’ve been spending more time at home these days and you have decided to do some of those projects you’ve put off for years or maybe you are just catching up on some weeding or planting. We have some tips that […]
With a very strange spring behind us (almost!) we head into the summer and Phase 2 of the Governor’s plan to reopen the state. The beaches will be open as of June 1st with some restrictions in place. It almost seems like the carefree days of summer are a thing of the past but we […]
Another month, another month inside our homes down. With the weather turning warmer, all thoughts go to getting outside, becoming one with nature and putting the last couple moCnths behind us. Our governor has said that things will be reopening soon (slowly) and I’m not sure about you, but I’m looking forward to seeing loved […]