3 Late Summer Crops to Plant for Fall Harvest

Do you still have the planting bug even though it’s August? The good news is that there are late summer crops that you can plant and harvest during the fall. Below are three late summer crops that you can plant that will be available to harvest come fall. Late Summer Crops 1 – Cauliflower This […]
4 Late Summer Lawn Care Tips

Now that it’s August, one of the things that you want to do is make sure that you are taking good care of your lawn. Below are four late summer lawn care tips that you can use to make sure that your lawn is doing well and that it’s prepared for the cooler weather. Late […]
Gardening Tips for August

Well, we have gotten to August. It’s hard to believe that summer’s almost over. We just have a few tips for you for August for your garden. Late in August is when you should divide your perennials. Dig up your clumps of Day Lilly, Hosta, and Iris. Divide them and then replant them. to make […]
4 Fall Asphalt Maintenance Tips

Do you have an asphalt driveway? It’s almost the month of August, but fall is just around the corner. Below are four fall asphalt maintenance tips that you can use to help your asphalt driveway last longer. Fall Asphalt Maintenance Tips 1 – Pressure Wash It’s a good idea to pressure wash paved surfaces in […]
4 Benefits of Paving Stones

Whether you are looking to add a path to your house or you are looking for something to replace your existing patio, have you considered using paving stones? The benefits of paving stones make them a very attractive option for many homeowners, and we are going to look at some of them below. Benefits of […]