In a service industry like landscaping and outdoor maintenance, customization and customer service are the name of the game. (I guess you would say they are two names of the game…?) Anyway, our business model works for many Rhode Island households who need help with their lawns and gardens during the summer months.
Let’s face it – making sure that your property is in top condition, every day, takes quite a bit of work! We can help. Our programs are set up to truly support the property owner. We don’t just come out and mulch and vanish. We set out to provide a partnership that you can feel good about, in the heat of July and August, and all year.
What You Get
What you get with all of our packages is a free consultation, and some other key tools to help you to keep your property in top condition.
First of all, our customers get a free soil test to see what their land is composed of. This makes a difference, because it affects your planting processes and how you decide to deal with various parts and patches of your yard or outdoor space.
Our customers also get free monthly inspections, which is important in monitoring how plants are doing, what’s taking root, and how an initial plan is coming together. Then there’s also free fall cleanup, which helps you to button down your yard and get it ready for winter. That’s also a real value, so that when you are waiting out the February doldrums, at least you have your yard sorted.
Essential and Premium Packages
In addition, those who want more from a landscaping service get a number of hours of gardening expertise with the Essentials kit. The Premium package adds our organic fertilizer program to enrich your soil, and the installation of mums and other annuals.
All of this combines to create an excellent visual impression for your property in a sustainable way. It takes the stress and hassle out of dealing with your exterior spaces of your property as the seasons fly by. We know that many busy families don’t have time to do it all themselves, and that’s normal, that’s okay. We’re here to fill in the gaps and help deliver a truly comprehensive outdoor landscaping experience. Take a look at the site and contact us with any questions about how we can keep your property looking elegant and tidy. It’s what we do!