5 Great Flowers for Pollinators

Now that spring is finally here, it’s a great time to start attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to your garden. Ready to do that? Let’s look at some of the flowers that these helpful creatures love. Attracting Pollinators 1 – Swamp Milkweed This plant has a large and bright blossom, and they’re […]
Spring is here and the 855-RILAWNS crews are back. We are thrilled to have Pat Beaton back with us this year as our general manager. Pat had a busy winter with the addition of a new baby, rounding out his family of four. Congratulations to Pat from all of us. Loretta Carlone is back for […]
Tips to Get Your Landscape Ready for Spring

Spring is right around the corner. Chances are, you have already started to get in gear and do a bit of spring cleaning. While cleaning up the inside is a great start, you can’t forget about your yard. Now is the perfect time to start getting it ready for spring. Remember, the earlier you start, […]
How Drainage Affects Your Landscaping

Proper drainage is essential to a thriving landscape. Rainstorms will wreak havoc on your lawn and landscaping foliage without the appropriate drainage system. If you are concerned that your property and landscape are not draining, consult your landscape team to discuss options. Let’s take a look at some of the ways drainage can provide protection […]
4 Benefits of Bark Mulch
If you are looking for a type of mulch that you can use in your garden, one of the best types to use is bark mulch. This mulch is organic and provides a lot of great benefits to your soil. Below are some benefits of bark mulch. Benefits of Bark Mulch 1 – Adds in […]