Fall is when a lot of people choose to do fall cleanup. But you want to make sure that you are doing your best to make sure that your lawn and garden look great without a lot of work. Below are 3 garden cleanup tips that you can use to help your garden look great without a lot of work.
Garden Cleanup Tips 1 Leave Leaves inside Flower Beds
Those leaves will do your garden good. They help with feeding your soil as they’re breaking down. So you don’t want to waste time on cleaning them up in the garden.
Garden Cleanup Tips 2 – Leave Foliage on Plants
Material from dead plants is a great place for beneficial insects to spend during the winter. When you clean the flower beds of plant material, you might be destroying the good bugs.
This tip should be avoided when it comes to irises. These should be cut back during the fall. Otherwise, you may have an infestation of iris borers in the summer.
Garden Cleanup Tips 3 – Leave the Flowers inside the Garden
Flowers such as sunflowers and coneflowers have seeds that wildlife such as birds can eat throughout the winter. A lot of flower types also will add interest to the garden in the winter. Therefore, you can continue enjoying your garden even when there’s snow on the ground.
The only thing is that when you skip all of the yard work in the fall, you are going to have a lot more work to do when spring comes.
Garden Cleanup Tips 4 – Vacuum Leaves With a Lawn Mower
A really easy way that you can clean up your leaves is to use the lawn mower. This will suck up all of those leaves from the grass. Put your bag on the mower and then rake or blow all of your leaves into a nice, loose pile. Then simply mow the leaves up.
Then you are able to dump your mower bag into the bags you’re using for garden cleanup, into your compost bin, or right into the garden to act as mulch. You also can leave the bag off of your mower and mulch then right into your lawn instead. They’re not just great to use in your garden = they are also great for your grass.
These are three simple fall garden cleanup tips that you can use to help you with having a stylish and beautiful garden this fall. If you are interested, we offer fall cleanup tips. Contact us here to get a quote.